250th Annniversery of the Fincastle Resolutions Parade, Roanoke, Va
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:00 PM EST
January 18, 2025, Saturday, (2:00 pm) - 250th Anniversary of the Fincastle Resolutions Parade, Roanoke, VA Event Level: Chapter Host/POC: Eric H. Monday, [email protected], (276) 252-1032 Location: Winston Link & Roanoke History Museum, 101 Shenandoah Ave NE, Roanoke, VA 24016 Firing Event: No Event CG Commander: TBD Details: On January 20, 1775, fifteen Virginia frontiersmen endorsed the Fincastle Resolution in response to and in support of the Continental Congress adopting their own association to boycott British goods in protest to the Intolerable Acts. This is a 250th anniversary commemoration of this important moment in the history of Southwest Virginia. In the event of severe cold or winter precipitation, the parade may be cancelled, and the ceremony moved inside to the Roanoke Museum lobby. The Color Guard can still present the colors, color guard will muster at 1:15 pm. This is the first VASSAR participation in an official VA 250th Anniversary event for the Color Guard for 2025. Assembly time NLT 30 minutes prior to start of parade which is estimated to be less than four city blocks. The North Plaza of the Hotel Roanoke opens off their conference center and VASSAR attendees will be able to wait in that large lobby area. Link to register for this event: https://va250.org/fincastle-resolutions/ Virginia SAR Color Guard Attendees: Daniel, LeViner, Osborn, Phillips, B. Schwetke, Schwoerer.