The SAR Youth Video Contest is an exciting new format where you can share what you know about the American Revolution. Tell us about a person, battle, document, or event during the American struggle for independence and do it in video form. The key is to BE CREATIVE! Your project could be filmed or animated. It could look like a cable news broadcast or a pretend movie trailer. Perhaps you will create a music video or even a rap battle. Show the judges you can think outside of the box.

Entries must contain ORIGINAL content and must be based on scholarly research of the presented topic. Content may not violate copyright laws. The subject of the entry should focus on an event, personality, document, or topic pertaining to the American Revolution. Emphasis on the 250th anniversary of the Revolution is recommended. The style, approach, and perspective are not limited.
- Eligible contestants: 6th – 12th grade students
- Video length: 3 – 5 minutes
- Individual or group projects accepted
- At least three research references are required
- Local chapter-level contest deadline(s): on or near 15 December 2025 (contact your local chapter)
- Virginia SAR state-level contest deadline: 17 January 2026
- National contest deadline: 14 February 2026
See the link below for complete contest rules.
Local Chapter Contest Awards
Contact your local chapter for chapter awards and local submission deadline (likely in mid-December 2025).
Virginia SAR Contest Awards
- First Place: $1000*
- Second Place: $500
- Third Place: $300
* The First Place winner at the State level will receive a stipend of up to $300.00 to reimburse travel to the Virginia SAR Annual Congress to participate in the Youth Awards Luncheon.
National SAR Contest Awards
- First Place: $1500*
- Second Place: $500
* The First Place winner at the National level will receive a stipend of up to $1500.00 to reimburse travel to the National SAR National Congress to participate in the Youth Awards Luncheon.
Cash awards greater than $600 may be received as a scholarship with the completion of appropriate tax documents.
The contest will be administered at the Chapter, State, and National level. Contestants begin the process by submitting an application to their local Chapter coordinator. Each first-place winner will advance to the next level. Awards at the Chapter and State level are at the discretion of the Chapter and State Society, respectively. At-Large entries may be accepted in the absence of local programs.
Virginia SAR - Video Contest Rules
The Virginia SAR Youth Video Contest promotes education, research, and creative expression regarding the American Revolution.
- Contestants will submit a video presentation three to five minutes in length.
- This contest is open to all middle school and high school students (6th through 12th grades) attending home schools, public schools, parochial schools, or private high schools.
- Entries may be submitted in the following formats:
◦ MP4 ◦ MOV ◦ WMV ◦ AVI
- Entries must contain ORIGINAL content.
⚠️NOTE:⚠️ Content must be based on scholarly research of the presented topic. Content may not violate copyright laws. Contestants must ensure all music, images, paintings, illustrations, etc. are free from copyright restrictions and failure to do so may result in disqualification. Entries will be scanned for plagiarism and when found will result in disqualification. Therefore, direct quotations must be accompanied by appropriate citations. Artificial Intelligence may be used to generate images for illustrative purposes, but not for the creation of narrative or dialog.
- The subject of the entry should focus on an event, person, document, or topic pertaining to the American Revolution. Emphasis on the 250th anniversary of events leading up to and following the Revolution (1763–1783) is commended.
- The style, approach, and perspective are not limited. The entry may be in the form of a documentary, dramatization, interview, advertisement, etc. Creativity is encouraged.
- While some creative license is permitted, historical accuracy is essential. For example, a conversation that never occurred may be acceptable, but must adhere to currently known historical facts.
- A minimum of three references is required. All references should be cited in the end credits and on the application form. Citations must be provided for any non-original content: photos, paintings, audio recordings, etc. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
- All entries are judged blind to the identity and home location of the contestant.
- Entries may be submitted by a single contestant or by a group. Any group project will be considered a single entry and only one award and cash prize (if any) will be presented per entry.
- Contestants must submit two versions of their entry. One version should contain full titles, end credits, and the name(s) of the creator(s)/contestant(s). The second version should also contain full titles and end credits, but all references to the creator(s)/contestant(s) must be absent. End title credit for the contestant(s) for additional contributions (e.g. as an actor) may be included provided it does not obviously indicate the identity of the individual(s) as a contestant(s).
- Contestants understand and agree their entry video may be shown at SAR meetings or other events. It may also be posted on various websites and social media, and may be available for public view. Therefore, contestants must read, understand, and sign the Youth Programs Release Form.
- In addition, ALL INDIVIDUALS appearing in the video entry must also sign and submit the Youth Programs Release Form. A parent/guardian MUST SIGN if the individual is a minor.
- Video entries are submitted to one of the local Chapters. The First Place winner from each Chapter will be submitted to the State level for judging. Chapter and State level judging and prizes, if any, are at the discretion of the Chapter and State, respectively.
- The State winner will advance to the National level contest. The judges may award some, all, or none of the place prizes at their discretion. At-Large entries may be accepted in the absence of local programs.
- The contest calendar will generally correspond to the school calendar.
- Chapter and State level deadlines will be established by the individual State Societies.
- Deadline for submission at the local chapter level shall be approximately 15 December 2025; chapters shall submit their winning entry to the state chairman by email no later than 17 January 2026.
- Deadline for submission at the Virginia state level shall be 17 January 2026.
- Deadline for submission at the National level shall be 14 February 2026.
- The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and is prohibited from endorsing or promoting any political party, candidate, or position. Therefore, all contest entries must likewise refrain from including any political content.
Release Form
Video Contest Application Form (Attention Applicants: please coordinate with local chapter representative)
Donations to the Youth Video Contest
Virginia SAR compatriots and the general public are encouraged to support the Youth Video Contest. Your contributions enrich the program and encourage students across the Commonwealth to showcase their creativity and talents.
State-level donations designated to benefit the Youth Video Contest shall be given a rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment, based on the level of the contribution.
National-level donations qualify for lapel pins. Lapel pins are available at the bronze level for $100 and the silver level for $250. Donations should be sent directly to Headquarters and designated to benefit the Youth Video Contest.