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NSSAR 134th National Congress
Lancaster Marriott
25 S. Queen St
Lancaster , Pa USA
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 8:00 AM to Sunday, July 14, 2024, 5:00 PM EST

134th Congress Master Schedule Web Link


Wednesday, Jul 10 Excom/SARF

Thursday, Jul 11 Tours and Host Reception

Friday, Jul 12 CG Breakfast, Trustees Meeting, Memorial Service, First Lady’s Tea, Rumbaugh Finals

Saturday, Jul 13 CoSP Breakfast, Opening Session, Youth Luncheon, Minuteman/Awards Session

Sunday, Jul 14 District Breakfasts, 2d Session, GWEF/VPGs Luncheon, Ladies Luncheon, Balloting, PGs Banquet

Monday, Jul 15 Donors Recognition, Final Session of Congress, Short Tours, Installation Banquet

Tuesday, Jul 16 Excom/SARF Add on Tours to Philadelphia or the Philadelphia Campaign are being offered but must have a minimum of interested parties or they will be cancelled.

 There are two ways to get to the registration page:

You will have to log in to the home page to begin the process.

1. On the home page of the SAR,ORG, look at the white bar and locate the "Events" tab.  Click on it and a drop down list will appear.  Click on the 2024- Lancaster PA and it will take you to the Congress Webpage.  Please be sure to login to the SAR website to complete the registration form.

134th Congress information page -

2. On the home page of the SAR.ORG, look at the dark blue section that starts with "home, etc." Click on "Quick Links" which is last word in that section.  A drop down box will appear, and you need to click on "Online Membership Database (Blue).  This is the second entry in that drop down box.  That will take you to the Membership Database and if you look at the left most column you will see an icon labeled "Events" Click on it and you will be transported to the events page of the website.  Look under the "Upcoming Events" List and you will find an entry listed as "134th Annual Congress - Lancaster, Pennsylvania" Click on that and the registration page will open. 

Once you get to the registration page, click on Register and begin to fill it out.  Please remember to fill out the State Society and your national number so we have the information.  Also, we need the information on emergency contact for each person.  

 Lastly, if you have mobility or dietary issues, please make sure you fill out the boxes for that for yourself and any guests

134th Congress Registration is now open. Click Here

Hotel Registration Link

The hotel is the Lancaster Marriott, Penn Square, 25 S. Queen St., Lancaster PA. Ph. 717-239-1600

Give them the GROUP CODE of NSSAR

Rooms are $149 plus tax per night with a 48 hour cancellation policy. These rates are good for the dates July 8 – 17, 2024

Room options are either a king or double. All suites have been allocated already.

If you have problems please contact the NSSAR Congress Planning Chair, Paul Callanan, 704-756-0363 or [email protected].

Look forward to seeing you there.