Williamsburg Chapter Give Certificate of Appreciation

At the Williamsburg Chapter, SAR meeting and luncheon on June 10th, Chapter President Bruce Laubach presented Certificate of Appreciation to Colonial Heritage Club House Executive Chef Syndia Richardson.

Williamsburg Chapter Holds BSA Court of Honor

BSA Troop 155 held a Court of Honor for new Eagle Scout, Trent Wilson, at Williamsburg Baptist Church on June 19, 2023.  Williamsburg Chapter President Bruce Laubach presented Wilson with a SAR Certificate of Recognition and Scholarship Application.  Also attending were compatriots Raynor Duncombe (an Eagle Scout) and Harley Stewart, Chair of Eagle Scout Recognitions.  Also pictured is Scoutmaster, and proud father, Dereck Wilson.

Photo by Harley Stewart




In celebration of U S Flag Day, the Richard Henry Lee Chapter (RHLC), Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) conducted a formal U S Flag retirement ceremony on June 14th.  With RHLC President, Michael Rhodes, presiding, some 250 flags which were no longer serviceable were destroyed by fire with solemn dignity. 


Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Continental Congress.  The resolution read: “Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”


At first a new stripe (and star) was added every time a new state was admitted in the Union.  However, by 1818 it was recognized that the addition of one stripe per state would become challenging, so a new resolution was passed that stated the number of stripes would remain 13 for the original colonies, and each state added to the Union would add a star to the canton.


To date, there have been 27 national flags.  The flag has not changed since 1960, when a star was added for the state of Hawaii.


Did you know…

… that a pair of fragments from the original “Star-Spangled Banner flag sold for $ 65,725 in 2011?

… that there have been six American flags planted on the Moon?[1]


The flag retirement ceremony took place at the Kiser property off of Remo Road in Wicomico Church, Virginia.  On hand were representatives of RHLC, as well as Cobbs Hall and Augustine Warner Chapters of National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR).  Representatives of the Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department were on hand as well with one of their brush fire unit trucks.


The unserviceable flags were gathered over the course of the past year from individuals, drop-off locations such as ACE Hardware, and members of SAR and NSDAR Chapters.


[1] Source: SAR publication entitled “Long May She Wave – History and Etiquette of the American Flag”

DAR/SAR Honor Revolutionary War Patriot

The Fort Loudoun DAR Regent Susan Lauren emcee'd the event with Melissa Clevenger providing chaplain duties.  During the dedication, Alexandra Collins, Lawrence Augustine Washington Society, Children of the American Revolution unveiled the marker.  Wreaths were presented by Susan Lauren, Fort Loudoun DAR; Alexandra Collins, Lawrence Augustine Washington, C.A.R.; Peter Davenport, Mid Atlantic District, SAR; and Thomas "Chip" Daniel, Col James Wood II, SAR


On 3 June 2023, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution participated in a Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony with the Fort Loudoun Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.  The ceremony was conducted for Reverend Christian Streit at Mt Hebron Cemetery in Winchester.  Reverend Streit was a Lutheran minister from New Jersey.  He graduated from the College of Philadelphia and took a position at the Lutheran Church in Easton, Pennsylvania.  When the Revolutionary War broke out, he became the Chaplain for the 3rd Virginia Regiment and eventually served as the pastor in Charleston, South Carolina.  While serving in Charleston, he was captured by the British at the siege of that city because of his support for the colonists in the War for Independence.  After his release from captivity, he returned to Pennsylvania and in 1785, accepted a position in Winchester.  He assumed pastoral oversight of a large congregation of German and English speaking members.  His church was the Reformed Lutheran Church that was located in what is now the Mt Hebron Cemetery.  The church cornerstone was laid in 1764, but had remained unfinished until Reverend Streit organized the congregation to complete the building.  His area of responsibility included a portion of the lower Shenandoah Valley.  He laid the foundation of numerous congregations throughout the region for 27 years.  He died 10 March 1812 and was buried beneath the brick pavement in the church he served.  His remains were eventually moved to a location just outside the wall of the Lutheran Church.  The wall remains inside the Mt Hebron complex. 



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On 17 June 2023, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution conducted a commemoration to Daniel Morgan and his Beeline March.  The ceremony was conducted at the tomb of Morgan in Mount Hebron Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia.           


Nine Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapters, two Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapters and one Society from the Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) participated along with the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America (OFPA). 


In June 1775, the Continental Congress ordered the formation of two companies of Virginia riflemen to march to the aid of George Washington in Boston.  Hugh Stephenson and Daniel Morgan were chosen to raise companies to support this mission.  A rivalry developed between the two commanders, as each wanted to lead the way, an honor to be given to the first to fill his company.  Stephenson mustered his company on 21 June and Morgan on 22 June.  After six weeks, both were ready and eager to march.  It was agreed they would rendezvous near Frederick, Maryland and march together.  When Stephenson arrived on 17 July, he found Morgan had left a day earlier.  Thus began the Beeline March.  Morgan's company left 16 July and arrived in Boston on 6 August.  The 600 mile march was concluded in 21 days, a grueling march that captured the passion of the colony to serve the larger cause.  Morgan would go on to have a significant impact on the colonial causer.  After arriving in Boston, he was sent to Quebec where he was taken prisoner on 31 December 1775.  He was paroled by the British in 1776.  After returning to the military, he played a major role in the victory over the British at the Battle of Saratoga.  He defeated the British at the Battle of Cowpens in January 1781, which led to the Siege of Yorktown and the American victory in the War of Independence.


The ceremony was emcee'd by Dale Corey.  The Virginia State Color Guard led by Commander Brett Osborn which included 19 guardsmen from seven SAR Chapters, presented and posted the colors.  Virginia Society President Ernie Coggins provided a short summation of Morgan's impact on the Revolutionary War, followed by Marc Robinson's presentation on the Beeline March.  Wreaths were presented by Pete Davenport, Vice President General of the Atlantic Middle States; VASSAR President Ernie Coggins; nine SAR Chapters, two DAR chapters, one C.A.R. society and the OFPA.   After the wreath presentations, a 15 man squad of compatriots fired a musket salute to honor the memory of Daniel Morgan and the Beeline March.  SAR compatriots from chapters listed above and George Washington Chapter, who participated include  Brian Bayliss, Ken Bonner, Bryan Buck, Sean Carrigan, Paul Christensen, Dave Cook, Dale Corey, Jim Cridge, Chip Daniel, Mark Day, Kelly Ford, Mark Jackson, Paul McComb, Chris Melhuish, Ken Morris, Allan Phillips, Marc Robinson, Bill Schwetke, Barry Schwoerer, Jim Simmons, Mark Sink and Richard Tyler. 


 Firing of Muskets l. to r. Bill Schwetke, Brookes Wheeler, Brian Bayliss, Bryan Buck, Michael Wilson, Richard Tyler and Sean Carrigan.

On 17 June 2023, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) conducted a Color Guard Muster at the Stonewall District Ruritan Club, Clear Brook, Virginia.  Twenty three guardsmen from the  SAR Virginia State Color Guard met for training in safety, flag presentations, musketry and proper conduct in a ceremony.  This comprised seven chapters of the SAR, Colonel James Wood II (CJWII), Colonel William Grayson (CWG), Culpeper Minutemen (CMM), Fort Harrison (FH), George Washington (GW), Patrick Henry (PH) and Sgt Maj John Champe (SMJC) Chapters.  Dale Corey (CJWII), Virginia State Adjutant and Marc Robinson (CJWII) Chapter Color Guard Commander gave a presentation on safety.  This included the proper safety checks for handling the musket, concern for terrain and overhanging impediments, proper hydration and the weather.  They then discussed the proper techniques for carrying flags in formation.  The guardsmen were then separated into three groups for training.  Ken Bonner (SMJC) and Barry Schwoerer (SMJC) took new guardsmen to learn and practice the proper techniques for handling a musket.  Their group included Mark Crain (CMM), Jim Cridger (CJWII), Mark Jackson (GW) and Paul McComb (GW).  Bill Schwetke (CMM) and Sean Carrigan (CJWII) conducted actual musket firing training with Brian Bayliss (CJWII), Bryan Buck (FH), Richard Tyler (CJWII), Brooks Wheeler (CMM) and Michael Wilson (CWG).  The third group trained in leading a color guard during ceremonies.  This was led by Dale Corey and Marc Robinson (CJWII).  Doug Hall (CJWII) provided a drum cadence for the drills.  The groups included Paul Christensen (CJWII), Mark Day (PH), Chip Daniel (CJWII), Kelly Ford (CJWII) and Mark Sink (SMJC). 

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photo is the participants l. to . Brett Osborn, Dale Corey, Richard Tyler, Sean Carrigan, Doug Hall, Warner Workman, Will Reynolds, Marc Robinson and Thomas "Chip" Daniel.

On 3 June 2023, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution participated in the Honor Flight Top of Virginia's Flight #17.  They are a hub of the Honor Flight Network which was created to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices.  The event began at Shenandoah University with a welcome ceremony where the SAR presented the colors for the signing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.  After a short briefing, the veterans who are accompanied by guardians are led to buses.  They pass by an honor line of the color guard who present arms to honor them as they pass by.  The veterans are transported to Washington, D. C. to visit and reflect at their memorials.  Visits are made to the World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam Memorial and end with a stop at Arlington National Cemetery to witness a changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Upon their return, they are greeted by family, friends and patriots to honor their sacrifices in defense of our country.  Honor Flight Top of Virginia serves the Shenandoah Valley, Loudoun County and beyond to salute our heroes and inspire our youth.  They make three flights a year with the next flight  from Harrisonburg on 23 September.  The Colonel James Wood II color guard was composed of Commander of the Guard Brett Osborn, Sean Carrigan, Paul Christensen, Dale Corey, Thomas "Chip" Daniel, Doug Hall, Will Reynolds, Marc Robinson and Richard Tyler from the Colonel James Wood II  chapter, Bryan Buck, Fort Harrison chapter (dual member of CJWII) and Warner Workman from the Sgt Maj John Champe Chapter. 

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photo is the participants for the Flag Ceremony

On 14 June 2023, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) participated in a Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks Flag Ceremony.  This ceremony was held on the Winchester Walking Mall in front of the Old Court House.  The ceremony was conducted by Elks Lodge 867 and emcee'd by Dave Gardiner.  Compatriots from the SAR and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2123 participated.  The Elks is an organization dedicated to patriotic service and promotes the proper knowledge of and respect for, the American Flag.  One of the activities is to conduct an annual service on 14 June, the anniversary of the birth of the American Flag.  This service was first considered by the then Grand Exalted Ruler at the 1907 Grand Lodge Session in Philadelphia.  June 14th was adopted and called "Elks Flag Day".  The following year, the ritual for the Flag Day ceremony was approved.  On 3 August 1949, President Harry S. Truman signed Public Law 203, designating 14 June as Flag Day.  The Elks was the first fraternal organization to celebrate Flag with a formal ceremony which they had been observing since 1908.

During the ceremony, members of the VFW and SAR alternated presenting historical U.S. Flags while a short biography of that flag was read and appropriate music played.  There were nine flags presented, beginning with the "Appeal to Heaven Flag" (presented by Steve Renner), followed by the "Don't Tread On Me Flag" (Brian Bayliss) and the "Grand Union Flag" (Matthew Williams).  Seven stars and stripes flags beginning with the "Betsy Ross" (Kelly Ford), "15 Star" (Tony Ferrell),  "20 Star"  (Chip Daniel), "48 Star" (Larry Reynard) Flags and ending with the "50 Star Flag" (Brett Osborn) were presented.  The "POW/MIA Flag" was then presented by VFW member and Vietnam Veteran Wayne Garner, appropriately to honor those who are still missing or in a POW status.  After the final flag was brought forth, the assembly was asked to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance and then to sing "God Bless America".  A rifle salute was fired by members of the VFW Post 2123 rifle squad.  Participating for the SAR were Brian Bayliss, Dale Corey, Thomas "Chip" Daniel, Kelly Ford, Brett Osborn and Jim Simmons.  For the VFW were Wayne Garner, Larry Reynard, Tony Ferrell, Matthew Williams and Steve Renner.

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The Richard Henry Lee Chapter Holds Chapter Meeting


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Revolutionary War Rarities II


Revolutionary War Rarities I





Dan River Chapter offers Crossing of the Dan Coins

The Dan River Chapter has been offering for sale at the annual Crossing of the Dan events, collectible challenge coins that commemorate the event.  These feature a different figure from the event and proceeds from the sale of these benefit our chapter.  Out intent to offer a different coin annually.


My question is; would this be an acceptable item to include in the Dispatch?  If so, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to have these offered to others who were unable to attend the Crossing of the Dan events in February.


If this is approved, anyone interested may contact me at [email protected] or via our social media page: https://www.facebook.com/DanriverSAR


Wayne Rouse Announcement


Richmond Chapter holds Meeting

Richmond Chapter boycotts tea in ‘23

Richard Henry Lee Chapter Celebrates 47th Anniversary.


Don Baldwin is Remembered